Pathology Classes
1. Who discovered that the root disease fungus Phymatotrichum omnivorum could not grow in the soil although it infected the finest rootlets? A. Tabenhaus and Ezekiel B. Waksman C. Reinking and Manns D. Garrett 2. Who emphasized the important role that fungi play in the economy of the soil? A. Tabenhaus and Ezekiel B. Waksman C. Reinking and Manns D. Garrett 3. Who observed two types of soil fungi, soil inhabitants and the soil invaders? A. Tabenhaus and Ezekiel B. Waksman C. Reinking and Manns D. Garrett 4. Who renamed the soil invaders as root inhabiting fungi and distinguished the two groups by their "competitive saprophytic ability"? A. Tabenhaus and Ezekiel B. Waksman C. Reinking and Manns D. Garrett 5. Who consolidated the concept of inoculum potential? A. Tabenhaus and Ezekiel B. Waksman C. Reinking and Manns D. Garrett Answers: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D
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